Training for the Games

Katniss shoots the Gamemaker's pig
Before the Games, the tributes prepare to be in the Hunger Games. At the end of the preparation, they get a score: based on they're training with the other training and their private test with the Gamemakers. The gamemakers are the judges. They also design the arena that the tributes will fight in. Seneca Crane, portrayed by Wes Bentley, is the Head Gamemaker.

Katniss has a skill for archery, because she hunted down food with Gale. So she uses archery for her private test. But the Gamemakers aren't watching. They are tried and drunk, and Katniss in infuriated. The gamemakers are more interested in a pig than her! Furious, Katniss shoots the apple inside of the pig's mouth, gaining her an 11 for her score, the highest for that year( tributes are ranked from 1-12).

Katniss' training scene.

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